Julie Hinickle
I am a paralegal at Padway & Padway and I have worked in the legal field for the last 34 years. I initially began at Padway & Padway in September of 1989 as a legal secretary and then a paralegal. I left in 2008 so I could devote more time with my family before returning again in 2010. I enjoy getting to know and working with our clients and helping to assure that their cases receive the best possible outcome.
My duties consist of maintaining regular communication with clients, communicating with insurance adjusters and other counsel, scheduling dates and obtaining documents and records pertinent to a client's case. I also assist in preparing cases for litigation which includes drafting pleadings and discovery documents, fact investigation, and mediation and trial preparation. I assist the attorneys in a variety of different cases and areas of law, including civil litigation, personal injury, worker’s compensation, probate and real estate matters.
I graduated from Stanley-Boyd High School in 1987. I then attended Patricia Stevens Career College in Milwaukee and earned a Public Relations certificate in 1988. I graduated with honors from Milwaukee Area Technical College earning a Paralegal associates degree in May, 2001. I have also attended multiple paralegal continuing education seminars over the years including The Personal Injury Paralegal in Wisconsin and Analyzing Medical Records for the WI Paralegal through the Institute for Paralegal Education.
I was born and raised on a family dairy farm in Stanley, small town located in west central Wisconsin. I am the fifth of eight children born to my parents and I have a large extended family with many cousins that still live in that area. In 2001, I married the love of my life, Michael, who is a Marine and a firefighter, and together we have an amazing daughter who is the joy of their lives.
I enjoy spending time with my husband and watching our daughter perform in her many school extra-curricular and sports activities. My hobbies include: nature walking, biking, kayaking, reading, internet researching, watching movies and documentaries, and attending various festivals in the southeastern Wisconsin area.